Thursday, July 26, 2007

This is a first

So I thought I wold join the world of blogging. I'm a little nervous, but I thought it would be worth it to keep in contact with family and friends and a way to get my thoughts out. I've just really enjoyed reading a lot of other people's blogs and thought it was only fair for me to start my own. Hopefully I'll update at least once a week, but we'll see how it goes. I need to figure out how to get pictures on here as that would definitely make it more interesting.


MommyJamie said...

Welcom Kami :) I'm excited to hear your updates!

Kami Crawford said...

Hey, thanks Jamie.

Unknown said...

Hey, Kami - I'm glad you're doing this! We're only across town but its a great way to keep in touch with what you're up to. :)

stephy said...

So rad! I have a blog here too. I basically copy it onto myspace cause so many people I know don't "do" myspace. ha
I love that pic of Memory and also the one of Ben climbing.