Thursday, June 10, 2010

And then there were 5

That's right, I'm pregnant and soon to be the owner of 5 children! Ben and I feel so blessed! God's timing is perfect. I'm due sometime Feb. 2. I had horrible morning sickness with Memory and that hasn't started yet. I've just had pretty minor sickness. So here's hoping it stays that way.

This timing is kind of crazy because when we found out we were pregnant a few weeks ago, Ben said, "We were just getting this 4 kids thing down." So just when you get too comfortable God shakes things up a bit. I think both Ben and I had resigned and moved on from having another child at this point. So to be given this was quite a shock. A good shock, though.


Heather said...

Congratulations! What a blessing!

Our growing family said...

OH!! CONGRATS!!! I thought I remember you saying that you were really wanting another one awhile back...I'm so happy for you! What a blessing! Feb sounds like a good month to have a sweet new baby! =)
Thanks for your comment today! Good to hear from you!

Our growing family said... girlfriend is prego and she said that she is trying beans to help her feel better/less morning sickness...worth a try!

Our growing family said...

Hey there!
As we benefited so much from Dave Ramsey, we used his kids program with our kiddos. We encourage saving, sharing and then spending...although at times it is easier to think about the spending! =)
We started about two-three years ago when keaton was interested. We have slacked off a bit on the little envelopes and stuff that came with the kids kit, but we still encourage giving at church. We started giving them a penny or 10 cents for different chores along with other rewards like games w/mommy, etc.
Hope this helps with the questions you asked!

Amber Red said...

Hey Kami! Just heard you were pregnant and wanted to say congrats! By the looks of the pictures I would say God did good with blessing your family!



Kami said...

Thanks Amber! We do feel blessed.

kristal said...

hey kami! i know this isn't really the appropriate forum to respond to you, but i don't have your email and i don't see you anywhere on facebook.
thank you so much for hosting sonny! he was so impressed with your family and i can't wait for him to get home so we can talk more about it. weird how blogging can connect you even when you haven't talked or seen someone for so long.
i am feeling MUCH better and thank God for it everyday. did you end up getting as sick this time? i'm so happy that you will be adding yet another special little one to your family.
thanks, too, for your insightful comments on my post. i would love to observe how you guys parent and get to know your kids. you know there's always love for you in oklahoma city if you ever feel the desire to come:)